Elements Magazine August 2024

Summer News | Elements Photography Magazine

This month I’m proud to announce a couple of new business highlights. Firstly, Elements Magazine features an article about photographing in the Yukon Territory, along with a selection of Yukon images. Elements Photography Magazine is one of today’s finest landscape and nature photography publications. It is a great honor to be seen in it alongside some of the best creative photographers of the day. Please check it out when you get a chance!

Elements Magazine August 2024

Secondly, and just as thrilling, the Sierra Club is featuring one of my Mount Rainier images on the cover of their 2025 wall calendar. In addition, another one of my images also appears in March.  Over the years I’ve had many photos in their calendars, but this is my first cover placement. You can purchase your copy here.

Sierra Club 2026 Wilderness Calendar

On the horizon, Adventures Northwest will be publishing another of my articles and images in their fall issue. This article focuses on photographing in the Kootenay Region of British Columbia.

Summer News | Elements Photography Magazine