Boulder Pass wildflowers Glacier National Park

New Images: Montana and Wyoming

New Images: Montana and Wyoming

Boulder Pass wildflowers Glacier National Park New Images: Montana and WyomingBoulder Pass Glacier National Park  #69886  Purchase

I’m happy to announce that the next group of new images from my recent summer trip is now online! This group represents the second half of the trip which includes some of the most scenic locations in Montana, and Wyoming.

Especially noteworthy are backcountry photos of Boulder Pass made during my visit to Glacier National Park. This was my first visit to this remote area, and it was also my first backpacking trip in Glacier in many years. This was certainly one of the highlights of the entire summer trip. Also, after many years I was finally able to return to Beartooth Pass and the Missouri River Breaks for new images.

Locations Included

  • Grand Teton National Park
  • Yellowstone National Park
  • Glacier National Park
  • Beartooth Highway/Beartooth Pass
  • Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument

Antelope Flats lupines and sagebrush. Grand Teton National Park New Images: Montana and WyomingGrand Teton National Park  #69380  Purchase

Judith Landing, Upper Missouri Breaks National MonumentUpper Missouri River Breaks Montana  #69674  Purchase

To see even more new images please visit my Archives at the following links: Montana Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming. In addition you can also Search the Archives by location and or keywords.

In the coming weeks I’ll also be writing multiple posts detailing all the locations. Additionally, these future posts will include location specific photography tips.

Mud Volcano Yellowstone National ParkMud Volcano Yellowstone National Park  #69421  Purchase

Lake McDonald Glacier National ParkLake McDonald Sunrise Glacier National Park  #70125  Purchase

Beartooth Mountains seen from Beartooth Pass, Custer Gallatin National Forest MontanaBeartooth Mountains  #69605  Purchase

Mountain Goats Glacier National ParkMountain Goats Glacier National Park  #69791  Purchase

All photos appearing in New Images: Montana and Wyoming are available for Commercial Licensing and Fine Art Prints.

Want to learn more about Landscape & Nature Photography? Take your Creative Photography to the next level with  Private Instruction and Guided Photo Tours.

Wind River Range Sunset, Wyoming

Summer Photo Tour 2020 Update

Summer Photo Tour 2020 Update

Lake McDonald Glacier National ParkLake McDonald Glacier National Park #69745  Purchase

Final On The Road Update 8/19/2020:

This brief addition will be my final on the road update of the summer photo tour. I’m still in Glacier National Park and since my last post I’ve witnessed a sunrise marriage proposal on Lake McDonald, completed a 40 mile 6 day backpacking photo shoot, and seen seven grizzly bears in the backcountry, on one occasion only about 25′ away from me. So yes, it’s been a busy adventurous visit!

By this time next week I should be back home in the office. For many weeks to come I’ll be there catching up on business and processing all the new images. During that time I’ll be posting groups of new images to the website and updates on the blog. 

Original Post:

Wind River Range Sunset, WyomingWyoming Sunset #69046  Purchase

Sitting right now just outside of Glacier National Park it seems time to post another Summer Photo Tour 2020 Update. Since my last post I’ve visited and photographed lots of new and old locations. And once again although Grand Teton and Yellowstone weren’t on my list, necessity had me briefly drive through both parks. And once again I’m glad I did, because I added several wonderful new images to my files from them!

Grand Teton National ParkGrand Teton National Park #69391  Purchase

Sunrise at Mud Volcano geothermal area, Yellowstone National ParkYellowstone National Park #69428  Purchase

Since my last post I’ve added lots of exciting new images from the following locations:

  • Bridger Wilderness, Wind River Range Wyoming, Middle Fork/Lee Lake vicinity
  • Grand Teton National Park
  • Yellowstone National Park
  • Beartooth Pass/Highway Wyoming
  • Upper Missouri River Breaks Montana
  • Glacier National Park: Comeau Pass/Sperry Chalet; Lake McDonald, Kintla Lake/Boulder Pass/Hole In The Wall

Lee Lake, Bridger Wilderness, Wind River Range WyomingLee Lake Wind River Range Wyoming #69085  Purchase

Pronghorn Peak Lake Donna, Bridger Wilderness, Wind River Range WyomingPronghorn Peak Wind River Range Wyoming #69202  Purchase

There was one major change to the Summer Photo Tour 2020 itinerary. This was a decision to take a pass on the Chinese Wall in the Bob Marshall Wilderness of Montana. Instead I’m opting to spend the remainder of the trip backpacking in Glacier National Park. Although I’ve visited and photographed in Glacier many times over the years this will be my first major backpacking trip there since I was a teenager.

Beartooth Lake WyomingBeartooth Lake Wyoming #69516  Purchase

Beartooth Mountains seen from Beartooth Pass, WyomingBeartooth Mountains Wyoming #69614  Purchase

Appearing in this post are some of the photo highlights. These photos are quick on the road edit and processing with the final image to come later when I’m back in the office. Image licensing and fine art prints are available for all of them, but print orders may be delayed several weeks.

Missouri River Breaks near Judith Landing, MontanaUpper Missouri River Breaks Montana #69672  Purchase

Missouri River Breaks near Judith Landing, MontanaUpper Missouri River Breaks Montana #69684  Purchase

All photos appearing in Summer Photo Tour 2020 Update are available for Commercial Licensing and Fine Art Prints*.

*Print orders may be delayed several weeks until I return to the office.

Want to learn more about Landscape & Nature Photography? Take your Creative Photography to the next level with  Private Instruction and Guided Photo Tours.


Oxbow Bend Grand Teton National Park

Grand Teton Photography Locations

Grand Teton Photography Locations

Oxbow Bend Grand Teton National ParkOxbow Bend Grand Teton National Park #67724  Purchase

A photography trip to Grand Teton National Park can be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It can also be one in a series of return trips to photograph the park in-depth, and in all seasons. Whichever it is for you, photographing this gem in the national park system can be a daunting challenge. This is especially true if it is your first visit to Grand Teton.

As I mentioned in my previous post, Grand Teton National Park Trip Planning, a visit to photograph this or any other national park can be a very rewarding experience. It can also be a disappointing exercise in frustration. Good planning and having enough time available to meet your photography goals increase your chances of success.

Since I’ve already outlined trip planning in my previous post, let’s start talking about locations. Grand Teton is a big park with dozens of great areas to photograph in. However, for this post, I’m going to focus only on some of the more popular front-country road accessed locations. But first.

Grand Teton in clearing stormGrand Teton in Clearing Storm #67405  Purchase

Some Essential Tips To Remember

 Essential Tip #1:   Nearly all photography locations in Grand Teton National Park are best photographed in early morning light and sunrise. Of course, this means you’ll need to accustom yourself to rising very early and setting up on location before dawn. However, most of those same locations are also great for evening and sunset photography. But in Grand Teton sunrise has the edge.

Essential Tip #2:   Scout out your desired locations ahead of time. Leisurely walk around and previsualize compositions in advance. That way when you return in the morning or evening you won’t waste precious time and light scrambling around wondering where the best compositions are.

Essential Tip #3:   Throughout this post, I reiterate the value of photographing during the morning and evening golden hours. However certain lighting conditions can make excellent photography possible during every part of the day. Just because the golden hour is over is no reason to stop photographing. Have an open mind and be creative!

Essential Tip #4:   Be ready to encounter hordes of other photographers nearly everywhere you go.  Plan to arrive and set up in your chosen spot an hour and a half to two hours early. Yes, that means for sunrise photography you’ll be there in position while the stars are still out. Dress warmly, you’ll be standing there for a while! And expect to be elbow to elbow and lock tripod legs with other photographers.

Essential Tip #5:   Be respectful of other photographers and park visitors. For many of them, this literally can be a once-in-a-lifetime trip that they scrimped and saved for. Everybody wants to get that perfect photo from the best spot. But don’t be one of those jerks that pushes and shoves their way into the front. If you arrive late that’s your fault, come back the next day, or better yet get creative and find a new composition nearby. And please be friendly. So many photographers can be reluctant to converse as if they’re going to reveal a special photo secret or technique by talking to their neighbor. Grow up, we’re all here for the same reason, have fun you may make some new friends.

Essential Tip #6:   PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE, be respectful of the environment! All of our parks and wildlands are being loved and photographed to death. If there are signs prohibiting entry or are roped off for restoration, don’t ignore them, no matter how tempting it may be to get that photo. It also should go without saying, don’t alter the scene by cutting down branches that get in your way. If necessary retouch unwanted objects out in Photoshop. Read more about Outdoor Ethics here.

Essential Tip #7:   Wildlife such as bison, moose, and elk are abundant in Grand Teton National Park. All wildlife from bison and elk to squirrels and birds have difficult lives just trying to survive on a daily basis. Please give them a wide berth and strictly observe park regulations. Never ever, under any circumstances, for any reason, approach wildlife. They can easily be stressed and provoked into attacking. While you’re recuperating in the hospital, park officials will be busy destroying that animal. I’m sure that’s not in your trip plan.

Moulton Barn Grand Teton National ParkT.A. Moulton Barn Grand Teton National Park #67410  Purchase

Mormon Row Barns / Antelope Flats

This is is one of the closest locations to the town of Jackson and offers a variety of photographic opportunities. Historic Mormon Row has several noteworthy structures, but the two iconic Moulton Barns are the biggest attractions here. Both barns are close enough that you can photograph both of them during the same golden hour session. However, if you have time available try for one and return the next day for the other. That way you can avoid rushing and finding another parking in the limited parking areas. This area also has some attractive old cottonwood trees to aid in compositions, which are especially nice in fall color.

Antelope Flats Wildflowers Grand Teton National Park WyomingAntelope Flats Wildflowers Grand Teton National Park #52085 

Antelope Flats is a great area to photograph carpets of yellow balsamroot wildflowers in spring. They make a wonderful foreground element to the dramatic snow-covered Teton Range. Some of the best displays are in the vicinity of the Gros Ventre (pronounced “Grow Vaunt”) road. Early June is the best time of the year to photograph balsamroot and lupines in the Teton Valley. Again, you’ll want to thoroughly check out the entire area the day before to find where the best displays are.

Best time of day for photography:  Morning, though excellent in the evening.
Best season for photography: Moron Row spring, summer, fall. Antelope Flats wildflowers, late May-June.

Snake River Overlook Grant Teton National ParkSnake River Overlook #67652  Purchase

Overlooks Along U.S. Highway 191/89

These include Blacktail Ponds Overlook, Glacier View Turnout, Teton Point Turnout, and Snake River Overlook. All, except perhaps Blacktail Ponds Overlook, have excellent wide-open views of the Teton Range. Photography at these locations doesn’t get much easier, as compositions can be made a few steps from the parking lot. As you move from Blacktail Ponds Overlook in the south to Snake River Overlook in the North the view of the Teton Range changes considerably.

Snake River overlook is the most popular since it was here that Ansel Adams made his famous 1942 photo of the Tetons. Be forewarned that over the years trees in the scene have grown considerably. Today, because of this, the Snake River is partially obscured. The view is still wonderful though.

Best time of day for photography:  Morning, though excellent in the evening.
Best season for photography: All Seasons

Schwabacher Landing, Grand Teton National ParkSchwabacher’s Landing Grand Teton National Park #67503  Purchase

Schwabacher’s Landing

This is one of the prime locations in the Grand Teton for photography, and one of the few accessible to the Snake River. Expects to see lots of other photographers here at sunrise.

There are several excellent options here, including the iconic view of the Grand Teton framed by trees reflected in the still waters of beaver ponds. This photo is a short walk north from the parking lot at the end of the road. It’s imperative to arrive very early, as the ideal composition is within a narrow range of only about four feet wide. Be polite, your neighbor will be photographing the same scene only inches away from you.

Schwabacher Landing Grand Teton National ParkSchwabacher’s Landing Grand Teton National Park #67383  Purchase

There is also two creekside (actually branches of the Snake River) areas that provide great photo opportunities. The first is along the trail to the beaver pond viewpoint. The second,  just as interesting but less photographed, is 1/4 mile back down the road. Both of them offer compositions where the Teton Range is reflected in the calm waters. There is also an abundance of cottonwoods trees here, making fall photography an absolute must.

Schwabacher’s Landing is a location that offers so many possibilities that you can easily just photograph just here if you only have a couple of days available in the park.

Essential Tip #8:   Be aware that this entire area is in a fragile wetland environment. Please observe signs of areas closed for restoration. This is also prime moose habitat. Be alert when walking through brush, I once came across a female and her calf here. If you’ve never seen a moose in person you’ll be amazed at how big they are. Don’t get in their way!

Best time of day for photography:  Morning, and evening. Beaver ponds photo, mostly morning.
Best seasons for photography:  FallSpring, Summer. This area is closed and off-limits in winter to protect wildlife habitat.

Full Moon Grand Teton National ParkTeton Range from Cunningham Ranch #67608  Purchase

Cunningham Ranch

This is one of my favorite areas in the park for photography. It has excellent photographic potential but many photographers pass it over for Schwabacher’s Landing or Oxbow Bend. The views of the Teton Range here are outstanding. The western pole fencing makes a great composition element. It’s also possible to access views along the Snake River, via a long walk through pastures. Occasionally you’ll see herds of elk, or horses from the nearby Triangle X Ranch grazing here, another great aid for compositions.

Horses Grazing at Cunningham Ranch Grand Teton National ParkThe Teton Range from Cunningham Ranch #49377  Purchase

Nearby on the East side of Highway 191/89 is the North access to the Shadow Mountain Dispersed Camping Area of the Bridger-Teton National Forest. A wide parking lot just outside the park boundary is the only place in the entire valley available for winter camping.

Best time of day for photography:  Morning, and evening.
Best season for photography:  All year

Oxbow Bend sunrise Grand Teton National ParkOxbow Bend Sunrise Grand Teton National Park #67699  Purchase

Oxbow Bend

This is arguably the granddaddy of all photo locations in Grand Teton National Park. The views of Mount Moran and the Teton Range reflected in the still waters of the Snake River are recognizable throughout the world. In addition, this is a prime wildlife viewing area. You can often see Trumpeter Swans floating lazily on the water, along with moose grazing in the willows across the river. I once saw an enormous herd of elk fording the river here, a scene reminiscent of Serengeti migrations.

Oxbow Bend sunset Grand Teton National ParkOxbow Bend Sunset #67566  Purchase

You can also observe mobs of photographers, every morning and evening, every day. Don’t even think of finding a prime spot unless you get here well over an hour in advance of golden hour. Most photographers try for a spot at the parking lot edge, however, there are plenty of excellent options among the willows along the river.

Aside from the view from the river, there are also a couple of other spots well worth checking out. This is one of the best areas in the park for fall photography, mainly due to the abundance of aspens groves and willows. About a quarter-mile east of the Oxbow Bend parking lot is another pullout at the edge of large groves of aspens. During the height of fall color, these trees make spectacular frames for the Teton Range.

Grand Teton National Park WyomingTeton Range above Oxbow Bend #52069  Purchase

Also, on the benchland above Oxbow Bend, there are great views looking down to the aspens surrounding the area, and out to the Teton Range. This view is accessed from the trails on the Christian Pond Loop. If you have the time it’s well worth returning to photograph these two areas after photographing the main attraction. And of course, they’re another option if the riverside crowds are a bit too much for you.

Best time of day for photography:  Morning, and evening.
Best season for photography:  Hands down, fall is best, but excellent throughout the year. Also one of the best locations in the park for winter photography.

Wildflowers Grand Teton National Park WyomingWildflowers Grand Teton National Park #52034  Purchase

Pilgrim Creek Road

Between Jackson Lake Junction and Colter Bay Village is Pilgrim Creek Road. This approximately three-mile-long gravel road gives access to the Teton Wilderness in the Bridger-Teton National Forest. For photographers, the first mile or so of this road gives access to some of the best spring wildflowers in the North end of the park.

Unlike wildflowers around Antelope Flats, this area can be a bit more tricky to photograph. The peak bloom usually happens around early June, but a good show depends on a wet season. During a drier than normal spring, there may not be a large enough bloom to make the trip worthwhile. Also, some of the best groupings may not be obvious from the road, so make sure to park your vehicle and thoroughly scout the area on foot.

Best time of day for photography:  Morning, and evening.
Best season for photography:  Spring

Grand Teton National Park in winterWinter along Teton Park Road #3725  Purchase

Teton Park Road

This long stretch of road encompasses everything from Moose Entrance in the South to the Jackson Lake Junction in the North. Beginning in the North the Potholes and Mount Moran Turnouts offer closer photos of the Teton Range, and in particular the Cathedral Group. In June this is also a very good area for yellow balsamroot wildflowers.

The main highlights of this area are the trails along Leigh, String, and Jenny Lakes. You can park at the Leigh and String Lakes Trailhead and do the entire loop hike. Or you can park at the Jenny Lake Overlook and walk only a portion of the trail. Either way, this is the best place to get up close and personal photos of the Cathedral Group and Cascade Canyon.

Further south the Taggart Lake trail will take you to stunningly close views of the Grand Teton.

Essential Tip #9:   Leigh, String, and Jenny Lakes are best photographed at sunrise and early morning. The lake waters are more apt to be still and mirror-like at this time. Also, the proximity here to the walls of the Teton Range will put most of the areas along Teton Park Road in shade during the second part of the day.

Best time of day for photography:  Morning
Best seasons for photography:  Spring, Summer, Fall. Teton Park Road is closed in winter at Taggart Lake Trailhead in the South and Signal Mountain Lodge in the North. However, in winter this road is open to cross country skiing and snowshoeing.

Grand Teton National ParkThe Teton Range from Jackson Lake #67525  Purchase

Other Grand Teton Photography Locations

As mentioned earlier, this post covers only the more popular easily accessible locations for photography in Grand Teton National Park. There are many more opportunities to explore including these:

  • Laurence S. Rockefeller Preserve
  • Viewpoints along the North section of Jackson Lake
  • Extensive trail system along Jackson Lake starting from Colter Bay Village
  • In the backcountry, a network of trails gives access to the backside of the Teton Range and includes numerous lakes, canyons, and subalpine meadows. All overnight backcountry trips require permits.

Camera Equipment Suggestions

What camera gear should you bring on a Grand Teton photography trip? In a nutshell, everything you have. Ok, maybe not everything, especially if you’re a gear junkie with dozens of lenses and camera bodies. But the subject matter in the park is so diverse you’ll probably end up using everything from ultra-wide to telephoto lenses.

Basic Essentials:

  • Tripod
  • Wide to ultra-wide lenses
  • Normal range lens
  • Telephoto lens; for landscapes up to 200mm should be fine, but much longer focal lengths if you also plan to photograph wildlife.
  • Polarizing filter
  • Graduated Neutral Density Filters;  I still prefer to use these in the field over creating the effect in post-processing. Although in some situations they are not always the best option.
  • Remote shutter release

In Conclusion

Combining all the information and tips in this post and Grand Teton Photography Trip Planning, you now should have everything you need to know to have a productive, safe, and enjoyable trip to Grand Teton National Park. Now get out there and have fun!

Essential Tip #10:   BE CREATIVE! Use your own eyes and mind. Just because 20 other photographers are photographing the exact same scene, in the exact same position, with the exact same gear and settings, doesn’t mean that you have to follow suit. Photographing something uniquely and creatively could be as simple as just turning around to see what’s behind you!

Thanks for reading, feel free to share this post with your friends and colleagues!

Oxbow Bend sunrise Grand Teton National ParkOxbow Bend Sunrise Grand Teton National Park #67681  Purchase

Ever wonder what it’s like photographing landscapes and nature for a living? Check out my blog post:
What is it like to be a Professional Landscape Photographer?

All photos appearing in Grand Teton Photography Locations are available for Commercial Licensing and Fine Art Prints. Click on any image to purchase, or contact me for more info!

Want to learn more? Take your Creative Photography to the next level with  Private Instruction and Guided Photo Tours.

Related Blog Posts to Grand Teton Photography Locations:
Grand Teton Photography Trip Planning

Moulton Barn Grand Teton National Park

Grand Teton Photography Trip Planning

Grand Teton Photography Trip Planning

Moulton Barn Grand Teton National Park Grand Teton Photography Trip PlanningMoulton Barn Grand Teton National Park  #67219  Purchase

This post is the first in an ongoing series of articles intended to help landscape and nature photographers plan photography trips to big locations on a small budget.

Photography in Grand Teton, or any National Park, can be a very rewarding experience. It can also be a disappointing exercise in frustration. Even the most meticulous planning is not a guarantee of success. It all depends on what your goals are, and how much time you have available.

In this post, I’ll be offering some planning tips and suggestions which can help increase your chances of success during a Grand Teton photography trip. Whether the results are better vacation photos or portfolio-quality images, they’ll also help you obtain a more enjoyable and memorable experience.

Planning A Grand Teton Photography Trip

Theoretically, you can spend as little as a day in the park and come away with a few good photos. In reality that probably won’t happen. So I would recommend at least three days to concentrate on one, or maybe two locations. A better time frame would be a week. For a comprehensive trip to include all of the park’s highlights, at least two to three weeks would be ideal.

Make sure you have as much time available to meet your goals. And make those goals realistic, don’t expect to create portfolio-grade images every morning and evening during your stay. It’s incredibly unlikely that you will have excellent light to work with during every golden hour photo session. On my last trip, I spent two weeks in the park and had only one evening and two mornings of decent light.

Of course, it’s also a silly notion to think that planning on just one trip to Grand Teton you’ll come away with award-winning images from every corner of the park. Just like you can’t go to the grocery store and expect to buy all the food you’ll ever need if your lifetime. You’ll need to return again and again.

Learn to go with the flow, relax, get to know, and interact with your subject matter. If you only come away with one or two good photos that’s great, you can always return another time. Good photography is about much more than grabbing trophy images, it’s a lifetime learning journey that should be savored, not rushed.

Guided Tour Or Solo

Once you determine how much time you’ll have available the next thing you’ll need to decide is whether to go with an established workshop/photo tour or do the trip on your own. There are many advantages and disadvantages to either option.

Photo Tour/Workshop Advantages:
-Led by a seasoned professional photographer with intimate knowledge of the park and the opportunity of learning new techniques from a pro.
-Meals, lodging, and transportation usually included
-Being part of a group dynamic

Photo Tour/Workshop Disadvantages:
-Limited freedom to photograph where and when you want
-Daily schedules can be very rigid
-Travel times and distances from lodging to locations can be great
-Cost can be prohibitive

Solo Photo Tour Advantages:
-Unlimited freedom, photograph where you want when you want
-Ability to lodge or camp where you choose, cutting down on travel time to         locations
-Huge cost savings

Solo Photo Tour Disadvantages:
-Extra research needed to find the best locations
-Finding lodging on the fly daily can be difficult
-Lack of assistance from a leader or group members
-No one to share ideas or experiences with

During my entire career as a professional photographer, I’ve traveled mostly solo. I love the freedom and flexibility associated with this mode of travel. And I know for certain that I’ve been able to get better photos because of it. So this is the mode I’ll be giving tips on in this post.

Grand Teton Photography Trip Planning: Seasons

Many photographers consider autumn to be the best. However,  Grand Teton National Park offers spectacular photographic opportunities in all four seasons.

Grand Teton National Park in winter Grand Teton Photography Trip PlanningThe Teton Range in Winter #4660  Purchase

Winter:  Planning a winter photography trip to Grand Teton requires more preparation and gear. In winter Teton Park Road is closed to vehicles, as is the popular Schwabacher’s Landing. Antelope Flats and Mormon Row Roads are also inaccessible. However, all the viewpoints along Highway 191/89 from Jackson to the Flagg Ranch in the north are open, including the famous Oxbow Bend overlooks. Snowshoes and cross-country skis are an excellent option to access some of the easier areas of the park.

Most of the lodging and services in the park are also closed for the season. Lodging options are mostly in the Jackson area in winter, and camping is nearly nonexistent with just a few spots open in the Shadow Mountain area. With temperatures that can dip down to -30º you won’t have much company. But with the right weather and lighting, you’ll come back with some rare winter images of the park.

Spring:  Since the Teton Valley sits at an altitude of just over 6000′ winter conditions can last well into spring. May would be about the earliest I would consider visiting for spring photography. Late May through June is the best time to visit to see wildflowers. During this time many areas of the valley are blanked with brilliant yellow balsamroot and blue lupines, to name a few.

Antelope Flats and Gros Ventre (pronounced “Grow Vaunt”) roads, along with Pilgrim Creek Road near Colter Bay are among the best areas for spring wildflowers. Most of these areas are also wide open for including the snowy Teton Range as a dramatic backdrop for compositions.

Wildflowers Grand Teton National Park Wyoming Grand Teton Photography Trip PlanningWildflowers Grand Teton National Park #52086  Purchase

Summer: This is the high season for tourism in the park, and possibly one of the most challenging for photographers. This is not only because of having to deal with crowds but also because of weather conditions.

During the height of summer, high-pressure ridges can create beautiful warm sunny weather, which unfortunately keeps the sky free of clouds. Most photographers consider blank blue skies and gray rainy days as some of the worst conditions to work with. With global warming in full swing, these conditions can last well into September.

Along with those warm sunny days comes the yearly threat of wildfires. In recent years the park’s blue skies are often hazy with thick blankets of smoke. Another consideration of summer photography is that as the season progresses the Teton Range gradually loses its white cloak of snow. I don’t think I’m alone in feeling that snowy mountains look more attractive than bare rock.

Fall:  This is arguably the most popular season for photographers in Grand Teton National Park. Although the crowds of tourists and vacationers are mostly absent, there are now throngs of photographers to take their place. And for good reason. In a good year, the changing colors of aspens, cottonwoods, and willows can be as outstanding as autumn in New England.

In addition to the lively colors of foliage, the changing seasons bring back storms that not only clear the air but also dust the range with a fresh coat of snow. Quite possibly some of the most sought-after national park images in the country are those of the Teton Range in full autumn color after a snow storm.

Grand Teton National Park Wyoming Grand Teton Photography Trip PlanningSunset over the Teton Range #3966  Purchase

Grand Teton Photography Trip Planning: Lodging

Location, location, location. It’s all about location. And Grand Teton is no exception, it’s a big park with many great locations spread throughout it. Generally, you’ll have time to photograph only one location during the morning or evening golden hour. By the time you can reach the next spot the light will most likely have faded. And remember this isn’t a race or contest, slow down and appreciate where you are!

The closer you stay to your subject matter the better chance you have of being in right place at the right time. And you will be more relaxed and focused when you get there.

Absolutely nothing is worse than planning on being at a certain spot before sunrise than being late because of hitting the snooze alarm one last time and then having a long drive ahead. Stopped for speeding, or worse, hitting a moose in the dark during your haste? Ughh!

No matter where you stay, be it in a national park or forest service campground, or a motel or resort, be prepared to make reservations well in advance of your trip, if possible. Even in the shoulder seasons vacancies in lodging and campgrounds can be difficult to find. Popular campgrounds will fill by early morning. Research and plan ahead. It’s no fun driving around in the dark after a long day trying to find a place to sleep.

In the Town of Jackson:  If you crave luxury and have deep pockets then look no further than the town of Jackson. Some of the most opulent hotels and resorts in the West are in this town, as are many chain and mom and pop motels. However, be aware that all of them will have a considerably higher price due to their location.

Also, keep in mind that distances from the town of Jackson to many of the most scenic park locations can be anywhere from 15-35 miles. Not a terribly long drive, but back and forth to a motel over several days can really add up. And don’t forget that ideally, you’ll need to be at your desired location before sunrise and until after sunset. So you won’t be sleeping in that expensive bed for very long.

Shadow Mountain Dispersed Camping Area  Bridger Teton National ForestShadow Mountain Dispersed Camping Area #67195  Purchase

In Grand Teton National Park:  There are seven lodging options within the park boundaries. These range from rustic cabins and ranches all the way up to the full-service luxury hotel of the Jackson Lake Lodge. Depending on where in the park you want to orient your photography efforts, these facilities can put you just a few minutes from some of the most dramatic vistas in the park.

There are five official front country campgrounds in the park with varying amenities. At the time of this writing, none of them are available for advance reservations. Most of them will fill to capacity before 10:00 a.m. Jenny Lake is one of the best and most sought-after campgrounds. If you choose Jenny Lake campground be prepared to line up for a site well before sunrise, it routinely fills by 6:00 a.m.!

Bridger-Teton National Forest: There are several national forest campgrounds outside the eastern boundaries of the park. These include a couple on Gros Ventre Road and U.S. Highway 26-287.

In my opinion, the most ideal national forest campsites are in the Shadow Mountain camping areas of Bridger-Teton National Forest. This area is in an ideal location just outside of the eastern middle edge of the park. These sites are always my first choice when visiting the park. I know of at least one site here which has an incredible elevated view of the entire Teton Range and valley.

Camping in the Shadow Mountain area is free on a first-come-first-served basis. Stays are limited to five consecutive nights. However, it is primitive camping with only vault toilets and no running water. In addition, parts of the roads can be very difficult to negotiate, high clearance is advised and some can be impassable to trailers. As with everywhere else in the park vicinity, these sites fill up early.

Grand Teton National Park WyomingHighway 191 Grand Teton National Park #49386  Purchase

Fees, Passes, Provisions, Cell Signals

The entrance fee to Grand Teton National Park is currently $35 for a private vehicle and is good for seven days. An annual pass exclusive to Grand Teton National Park is $70. Note that both of these passes are good only for Grand Teton, they do not carry over to neighboring Yellowstone National Park.

Consider an America The Beautiful annual pass if you photograph in many national parks and federal recreations areas throughout the year. This pass costs $80 and is good for National Parks, BLM lands, National Forests, and more.

Various amenities like gas, groceries, showers and laundry services are available in several areas of the park. However, if you are on a budget plan to make a trip to Jackson to stock up on supplies. Park concessioners charge a premium for their goods. Although sometimes the cost of driving back to Jackson is more than an inflated price for goods in the park.

Grand Teton is one of the few national parks where you can get a decent cell signal in most areas. In the vicinity of visitor’s centers and lodges, you should be able to receive a signal strong enough to surf the web and transfer small files. Further out it will probably be only one or two bars strong.

In the next post, Grand Teton Photography Locations we’ll go into detail about how and when to photograph specific locations in the park.

Thanks for reading, feel free to share this post with your friends and colleagues!

Oxbow Bend sunrise Grand Teton National ParkOxbow Bend Sunrise Grand Teton National Park #67686  Purchase

Ever wonder what it’s like photographing landscapes and nature for a living? Check out my blog post:
What is it like to be a Professional Landscape Photographer?

All photos appearing in Grand Teton Photography Trip Planning are available for Commercial Licensing and Fine Art Prints. Click on any image to purchase, or contact me for more info!

Want to learn more? Take your Creative Photography to the next level with  Private Instruction and Guided Photo Tours.

Planning a Grand Teton Photography Trip

Oxbow Bend sunrise Grand Teton National Park

New Images Yellowstone Teton Glacier

New Images Yellowstone Teton Glacier

Oxbow Bend sunrise Grand Teton National ParkOxbow Bend Sunrise Grand Teton National Park  #67699  Purchase

The final group of new images is now online and ready to view. This group represents the second half of my Rocky Mountains photo tour and includes three national parks.

After a full month of backpacking in the Sawtooths and Winds, I was originally planning only a brief stop in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. The next major destinations were to be the Beartooth Highway and eastern Montana. However, weather forecasts and other circumstances presented opportunities in these parks that I could not pass up.

Mammoth Hot Springs Yellowstone National Park New Images Yellowstone Teton GlacierMammoth Hot Springs Yellowstone National Park #68021  Purchase

Therefore, in the end, I spent nearly two weeks in Grand Teton, and about a week in Yellowstone. After leaving Yellowstone it became apparent that deteriorating weather patterns would bring the trip to an early close. Consequently, there was only enough time to make a quick drive to Glacier National Park before storms set in. Although during my short stay in Glacier I was presented with several more great photo opportunities.

Castle Reef Mountain Sun Canyon Montana New Images Yellowstone Teton GlacierCastle Reef Mountain Montana #678137  Purchase

As mentioned in previous posts, I’ll soon be writing more detailed posts on all aspects of the trip.

Locations Added:

Grand Teton National Park: Mormon Row Barns, Schwabacher Landing, Oxbow Bend
Yellowstone National Park: Geothermal features of Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone Falls, and Canyon, Mammoth Hot Springs
Montana: Rocky Mountain Front Range near Augusta and Choteau, Sun River Canyon
Glacier National Park: Saint Mary Lake, Saint Mary, and Virginia Falls

All images are ready and available as Fine Art Prints and for Commercial Licensing.

Clepsydra Geyser Yellowstone National Park New Images Yellowstone Teton GlacierClepsydra Geyer Yellowstone National Park #67803  Purchase

Saint Mary Lake Glacier National ParkSaint Mary Lake Glacier National Park #68299  Purchase

Saint Mary Lake Glacier National ParkSaint Mary Lake Glacier National Park #68200  Purchase

New Images Yellowstone Teton Glacier

Yellowstone Falls Sunrise

Trip Update: Grand Teton Yellowstone

Trip Update: Grand Teton Yellowstone

Sunrise at Oxbow Bend, Grand Teton National Park Trip Update: Grand Teton YellowstoneOxbow Bend Grand Teton National Park  #67699  Purchase

When I announce my planned list of locations at the start of a lengthy photo tour I always stress the subject-to-change factor. Now that I’m over eight weeks into this trip it’s very apparent that factor has long ago come into play.

For example, the Grand Teton Yellowstone segment of this trip was originally going to last for around 5-7 days. However, the abundance of subject matter, changing seasons, and weather patterns extended my stay to nearly three weeks! When I return to the office I’ll be posting more details on these two iconic locations. Suffice it to say these parks were a definite change of pace from the quiet solitude of backpacking in the Sawtooths and Winds. I’ve now had my fill of park traffic jams, and crowds of selfie-obsessed young women!

Great Fountain Geyser Yellowstone National Park Trip Update: Grand Teton YellowstoneGreat Fountain Geyser Yellowstone National Park   #67744  Purchase

It’s also apparent that I most likely will not be continuing to the Canadian Rockies. After Leaving Yellowstone National Park I’ll be making my way up the Rocky Mountain Front Ranges into Glacier National Park. This will probably be the final destination for the trip. Since by the time I arrive fall color should be close to peak, and I’ll be working hard to take advantage of it.

Moulton Barn Grand Teton National ParkMoulton Barn Grand Teton National Park   #69710  Purchase

*The photos appearing on this post are quick on-the-road edits. However, they will be reprocessed and made available for sale when I return to the office.

*Please note, due to being out of cell or WiFi range for most of this trip I may not be able immediately to respond to any licensing requests or blog comments. Print orders that are placed while I’m away on this trip will not be shipped until I return to the office. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Yellowstone Falls Sunrise Trip Update: Grand Teton YellowstoneYellowstone Falls Sunrise  #67940  Purchase

Cirque of the Towers, Wind River Range Wyoming

Summer Photography Tour 2019

Summer Photography Tour 2019

Little Redfish Lake, Sawtooth National Recreation Area Idaho Summer Photography Tour 2019Little Redfish Lake Sawtooth Mountains Idaho  #56176  Purchase

Summer Photography Tour 2019 is about to begin! This year’s trip  is very exciting as I’ll be photographing some of my favorite destinations in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Beginning in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho I’ll be backpacking in to some of the most dramatic mountain wilderness areas in the lower 48 states and Canada.*
Many of these locations have been on my schedule for several years. However, due to several summers where wildfire smoke  hampered photography I had to put them on the back burner. The Wind River Range in particular suffered greatly from these fires. My past two trips to the Winds were frustrated by smoke filled skies, and I came back with only a few photos.
This year, however, is turning out to be mostly free of major wildfires. So I’m going to fully take advantage of the opportunity and hit as many locations as I can. Of course fire smoke is only one obstacle to good landscape photography. I’ll also need good light and some interesting clouds at the right time and place. That’s not too much to ask, is it?
*Please note, any print orders that are placed while I’m away on this trip will not be processed until I return to the office.

Sawtooth Mountains and Wind River Range

Stanley Lake, Sawtooth Mountains, Idaho Summer Photography Tour 2019Stanley Lake, Sawtooth Mountains  #55933  Purchase

The Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho will be a very exciting segment for me. In the past I’ve photographed these mountains from various viewpoints looking into the range. This will be my first foray on trails into the interior. While the exact destinations are not set, at this point I’m planning two separate backpacking excursions, of three to four days each. And of course I’ll also be taking full advantage of the numerous natural hot springs while in the area!

Cirque of the Towers, Wind River Range Wyoming Summer Photography Tour 2019Cirque of the Towers, Wind River Range  #49203  Purchase

The Wind River Range of Wyoming will be the central focus of this trip. This spectacular section of the Rockies contains 40 peaks over 13,000 feet, the largest glacier in the American Rockies, and over 1300 named lakes, all spread over three designated wilderness areas.  While a few areas can get downright crowded with hikers and climbers, there are numerous trails that rarely sees any boot traffic.
If all goes well I will be making three backpacking trips in the Winds, keeping me busy for around 10-14 days. Destinations on my agenda include the Hailey Pass Washakie Pass Loop, Deep Lake, the ever popular popular Cirque of the Towers. Titcomb Basin will be next, and lastly the Green River Lakes area. 

On to Montana

Upper Missouri River Breaks , Montana Summer Photography Tour 2019Missouri River Breaks Sunrise  #4559  Purchase 

After a brief visit to Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks my next destination on the schedule is the spectacular Beartooth Highway. One of the highest roads in North America it tops out at 10,497′ on the Wyoming Montana border. Although I don’t have any specifics spots in mind yet, I plan to spend several days exploring and photographing.

North of the Beartooth Highway I’ll make my way through the Missouri River Beaks country. Most people associate Montana with soaring mountains, cool forests and crystal clear lakes and streams. However the eastern half of the state is open grasslands, badlands, cattle ranches and wheat farms. This is Big Sky country, a region where the antelope truly play! Although I love mountains, this wide sprawling country captures my imagination, and I’m always excited to return.

Glacier and Waterton National Parks

Logan Pass Glacier National Park Summer Photography Tour 2019Logan Pass Glacier National Pass  #46490  Purchase

Moving westward the next stops are Glacier and Wateron National Parks. Glacier was the second national park I visited, while in my youth on a family vacation. It is also the location of my first true backpacking adventure, accompanied by two high school classmates just after graduation. Unfortunately that was the last time I did a backpacking trip in the park. All my return visits have been road and day-hike based trips.

Glacier is one of the more heavily visited national parks in the country. Parts of the park, such as Logan Pass, can get so crowded during the summer months that parking lots can be overflowing by 8:00 in the morning. I’m hoping that by the time I get to Glacier it will be after Labor Day weekend , and the crowds will have thinned considerably.

Although I’ve visited and photographed in Glacier several times over the years, I’ve visited adjacent Wateron only once. Wateron is much smaller than Glacier, has similar terrain, and represents the southernmost section of the Canadian Rockies. Geologically speaking, however, the Canadian Rockies actually extend to the southern border of Glacier National Park, along U.S. Highway 2.

This will certainly be a good opportunity for me to make up for not visiting Waterton.

The Canadian Rockies

Limestone Lakes Height of the Rockies Summer Photography Tour 2019Limestone Lakes Height of the Rockies Provincial Park  #461098  Purchase

Finally, after photographing in Glacier and Waterton Lakes National Parks, I have one last location to visit. I’m optimistically adding Limestone Lakes in Height of the Rockies Provincial Park British Columbia at the last minute. This is one of the more demanding backpacking trips I’ve ever done. However after more than a hundred miles of hiking I should be in good enough shape to tackle it again.

Limestone Lakes is  in a very remote and seldom visited corner of the famous Canadian Rockies. It’s about a 17 mile hike into the lakes area, with more than half of that distance on rugged cross-country terrain. Even the trail on the first part is mostly a faint path. The last time I was there I didn’t see anyone else for five days. Hopefully when I get to this last segment of the trip the weather will cooperate.

By this time, If I make it this far, fall color in the higher elevations should be taking hold. Hmm, maybe I can add on a few more weeks and destinations…

Height of the Rockies backcountry camp Summer Photography Tour 2019Height of the Rockies backcountry camp  #46205

List of Locations

Below is a tentative list of locations included on this lengthy trip. If you have any locations you’d like me to include, or if you’re in any of these areas and would like to meet up, just drop me an email!

Sawtooth Mountains and hot springs
Wind River Range Wyoming
Grand Teton National Park

Yellowstone National Park
Beartooth Highway
Missouri River Breaks Montana
Glacier National Park
Waterton Lakes National Park
Height of the Rockies Provincial Park

Scroll down to see even more photos!

McGown Peak Sawtooth Mountains, IdahoSawtooth Mountains Wildflowers  55923  Purchase

Deep Lake, Wind River Range WyomingDeep Lake Wind River Range  #49281  

Cirque of the Towers, Wind River Range WyomingCirque of the Towers Wind River Range  #49241  Purchase

Terry Badlands in Southeast Montana at sunsetTerry Badlands Montana  #52614  Purchase

Mount Gould and Lake Josephine, Glacier National Park MontanaLake Josephine Glacier National Park #4704  Purchase

Limestone Lakes, Height-of-the-Rockies Provincial ParkLimestone Lakes Height of the Rockies  #46239  Purchase

Limestone Lakes, Height-of-the-Rockies Provincial ParkLimestone Lakes Height of the Rockies  #46248  Purchase

Summer Photography Tour 2019

Whatcom Peak North Cascades National Park

Whatcom Peak North Cascades National Park

Whatcom Peak North Cascades

Whatcom Peak North Cascades National ParkTapto Lake North Cascades National Park  #61501  Purchase

Here are a few more images from last year’s trip to Whatcom Pass in North Cascades National Park. After going through my files recently I noticed that these images were still in the “sketching” phase of processing. Sometimes looking back at images over time sheds new light on interpreting the feel of subject matters.

To read more about this special place read my earlier post on Whatcom Pass and Tapto Lakes. Now I’m off for several day photographing back at Washington Pass along North Cascades Highway.

Whatcom Peak North Cascades National ParkWhatcom Peak North Cascades National Park  #61502  Purchase

Whatcom Peak North Cascades National ParkTapto Lakes Basin North Cascades National Park  #61515  Purchase

Mount Challenger, North Cascades National Park

Whatcom Pass Tapto Lakes North Cascades National Park Part 2

Whatcom Pass Tapto Lakes North Cascades National Park

Mount Challenger, North Cascades National ParkMount Challenger, North Cascades National Park  #61740  

Several weeks ago I was finally able to make a return visit to Whatcom Pass and Tapto Lakes. In the heart of North Cascades National Park, Whatcom Pass is the quintessential North Cascades wilderness. It rises out of deep untouched forest valleys to jaw-dropping views of rugged glacier-clad peaks. From Part 1

Exploring Tapto Lakes North Cascades Basin

Tapto Lakes is one of those locations that many hikers dream about visiting. Remote, high in the subalpine, and surrounded by rugged snowcapped peaks, the lakes have all the features of a classic backpacking destination. Tapto Lakes sits in a basin about 800′ above Whatcom Pass. The basin contains a large lake and several smaller lakes set in a heather-filled subalpine meadow. The basin is shaped somewhat like an amphitheater, with the main show being the stupendous views of Mount Challenger and Whatcom Peak. Situated in a designated cross-country zone by the park service, with a permit you are free to camp anywhere among the lakes, though with a few caveats.

After investing two days of hard work into reaching the lakes I woke up rested and refreshed. Content on not having to hike anywhere with a full pack I took in the view and planned my day. Of course, since my main reason for being here was landscape photography I woke up early to survey the light. I had already identified several excellent spots to run to in the event of some great morning light. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case on my first morning, so I had lots of leisure time to explore all the lakes.

My usual modus operandi is to spend most of the day scouting out and lining up possible compositions. I then try to assign a priority to them and work from the top down when the lighting becomes appropriate. My first evening had some very nice light, enabling me to photograph some classic reflections of Whatcom Peak.

Whatcom Peak North Cascades National ParkWhatcom Peak, North Cascades National Park  #61499    Purchase

The View North

On my second day, I decided to move camp to a higher location. My map showed a very small lake not far away in its small talus-fringed basin on Red Face Mountain. It appeared to offer even more commanding views, along with quick access to a ridge on Red Face Mountain. The short hike up was worth it. The lake still had some snow along one side and also had some good composition qualities. I quickly found an excellent spot to set up camp, after which I hiked up to the ridge.

North Cascades National ParkBear Mountain and Reveille Lakes, North Cascades National Park  #61536    Purchase

As I crested the ridge I was presented with incredible views of the wild peaks to the north. Dominating the views were Bear Mountain and the jagged needle-like spires of Mox Peaks and Silver Peaks. Far below the precipitous and crumbling ridge were the turquoise-colored Reveille Lakes. All of this territory was completely devoid of trails, a true wilderness only accessible to the most determined mountaineers. I sat there for quite some time, contemplating how fortunate I was to be in such a special place. I got up after a while and headed back down the slope, wondering if I’d ever return.

Waiting for Light at Tapto Lakes North Cascades

Back down at the lake, the day was wearing on and it was time to set up some compositions. Some clouds had moved in and were swirling around the summits of nearby peaks. I was hoping they wouldn’t completely sock in everything before sunset. I moved to the back of the lake where Whatcom Peak cast a nice reflection in the still waters. Waiting to see what would happen I photographed a series of images in which the clouds and reflection created a sort of Rorshach effect. Although the light didn’t have a dramatic saturation of the color, I did like some of the subtle pastel tones. All in all, it was a very satisfying day.

Whatcom Peak reflection North CascadesWhatcom Peak cloud reflection, North Cascades National Park  #61603    Purchase

Whatcom Peak reflection North CascadesWhatcom Peak cloud reflection, North Cascades National Park  #61630    Purchase

Middle Lakes

The next day feeling that I had accomplished my goals and not wanting to overly duplicate images, I packed up and moved on. A bit east of Tapto Lakes are a few more small lakes, the most accessible being Middle Lakes. I decided to spend my last day here before heading back. Climbing back up to the ridge I turned and bid a somewhat sad goodbye to the lakes I had dreamed of revisiting all those years.

Middle Lakes turned out to be an easy short mile or so further, there was only a steep rock slope to cross to add a bit of excitement. When I reached upper Middle Lake I found the setting to be somewhat desolate. Surrounded by steep slopes on three sides and a boulder field at the outlet, there didn’t seem to be any good campsites. I moved on to check out the lower lake. The lower lake was more attractive, but it too afforded little flat ground for camping. However, when scouting for campsites I noticed an odd mound near the lake outlet with intense iron-red soil. There appeared to be a spring emanating from the mound. The main spring had formed small red mineral terraces similar to Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone. I felt the water but it was cool to the touch.

Mineral spring North CascadesMineral Spring, North Cascades National Park  #61666    Purchase

Mount Challenger North Cascades National ParkSwirling clouds over Challenger Glacier, North Cascades National Park  #61711    Purchase

Camping at Middle Lakes

I ultimately found a nice spot for the night among boulders and heather meadows with a commanding view of Mount Challenger. For a mountain with such an imposing glacier, it seemed that its elevation should be more than 8236′. During my entire stay in the area, I noticed nearly constant clouds near its summit. Apparently, for such a modest height Mount Challenger tends to make its own weather, partly explaining the huge glacier. For most of that afternoon and evening, I enjoyed and photographed a show of mists whimsically curling around the summit. To commemorate my trip to this special place I made several photos of my campsite, including a couple with the tent illuminated.

Backcountry camp North Cascades National ParkIlluminated tent and Mount Challenger, North Cascades National Park  #61751    Purchase

Hiking Out from Tapto Lakes North Cascades

The next day it was time to head out, retracing my steps down to Whatcom Pass and into the Chilliwack River Valley. Although I was filled with a deep sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, I was also sad to say goodbye. I faced a long day of hiking filled with retrospection on this and my first trip to Whatcom Pass many years back. Once again a highlight was riding the cable car across the river. After around ten miles I reached Copper Creek Camp, tired with plenty of hot spots on my heels and toes. The next day I faced the stiff climb back up to Hannegan Pass and then the final miles out to the trailhead where my truck waited.

Nearing the pass I began to meet more hikers. Many of them were just beginning trips similar to mine. You could easily see the excitement on their faces, anticipating the wonders that were waiting for them. Of course, I stopped to chat and helped stoke their excitement by passing on some of the highlights from my trip. Then it was down the pass for the last five miles of the trip. Although I was out of North Cascades National Park and in the Mount Baker Wilderness, it was easy to sense civilization was close. I began to see more people on a wider well maintained trail. I got back to my truck in a few hours, in a parking lot that had dozens of cars in it.

Tired but happy I began to drive home. I began thinking about how soon I might get a chance to go back to Whatcom Pass.

Backcountry Camp North Cascades National ParkCampsite on Red Face Mountain, Whatcom Peak in the distance #61589    Purchase

Leave No Trace

Please, Please, Please!  Don’t plan a trip to this or any other national park, monument, or wilderness area unless you are prepared to follow Leave No Trace guidelines (LNT). National parks and wilderness areas worldwide are under incredible pressure from the growing number of visitors. So, please do your part to help preserve these precious areas for future generations!

Please visit the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics to learn more about LNT’s principles. Your children and grandchildren will thank you!


1. Plan and Prepare
2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
3. Dispose of Waste Properly
4. Leave What You Find
5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
6. Respect Wildlife
7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors
© Leave No Trace:

Learn about how to protect the places we love to photograph
Visit the Nature First Website
Nature First the alliance for responsible nature photography



All photos appearing in Cirque of the Towers Wind River Range are available for Commercial Licensing and Fine Art Prints. Click on any image to purchase, or contact me for more info!

Whatcom Pass Tapto Lakes North Cascades National Park Part 2

Whatcom Peak North Cascades National Park

Whatcom Pass Tapto Lakes North Cascades National Park Part 1

Whatcom Pass Tapto Lakes North Cascades National

Whatcom Peak North Cascades National Park Whatcom Pass Tapto LakesWhatcom Peak reflected in Tapto Lake # 61497    Purchase

A Long Awaited Journey

Everyone has a place they dream of, somewhere that holds a special spot in their heart. At some point in their lives, usually at a young age, they see a picture or read a story about a place that for various reasons grabs their imagination. They carry it with them over the years and hope someday for the chance to visit it in person. For me, it has always been mountain wilderness. And not just any run-of-the-mill mountain wilderness. It had to have a primordial feel. Dark mysterious forests, raging rivers, and rugged peaks with jagged rock summits jutting out from expansive glaciers. For me, the North Cascades fit the bill perfectly. It was this vision that drew me to Whatcom Pass many years ago.

Mount Challenger, North Cascades National Park Whatcom Pass Tapto LakesChallenger Mountain, North Cascades National Park  #61459    Purchasert 1

Several weeks ago I was finally able to make a return visit to Whatcom Pass and Tapto Lakes, in North Cascades National Park. In the heart of the park, Whatcom Pass is quintessential North Cascades wilderness. It rises out of deep untouched forest valleys to jaw-dropping views of rugged glacier-clad peaks. Far away from any road town or cell signal. My first visit was way back in the late eighties and I’ve been wanting to go back ever since. There have been many reasons for my delayed return, not least of which is the long tiring hike accompanied by swarms of flying insects.

Unlike most backpacking trips this one has a few major ups and downs in addition to covering lots of miles. On the first day climbs a pass and then descends deep into another valley. The next day you must climb up to another pass, then higher to the lakes basin. In all, you’ll cover around 40+ miles and about 8500′ of elevation, including side trips, before returning to the trailhead. A very strong hiker could make it in two days, most people allow three to four days. My primary goal was for photography and relaxation so I gave myself six days to accomplish this trip. Aside from the photography thing I always feel that if you work so hard to get someplace why hurry to leave? Take your time to relax and enjoy the surroundings!

Hannegan Pass trail North CascadesHannegan Pass Trail through Ruth Creek Valley, Mount Baker Wilderness  #54291    Purchase

Hiking to Hannegan Pass

On the first day, I made an early start, hoping to make it through the brushy Ruth Creek Valley before the black flies awoke. It’s about five miles and 2000′ up to Hannegan Pass, along a very scenic trail that sees very heavy foot traffic. I’ve been up this trail to the pass nearly a dozen times and never get tired of the open views of rugged Nooksack Ridge. About halfway up you begin to see snowcapped Ruth Mountain guarding the head of the valley. Ruth Mountain itself is a popular destination for hikers climbers and skiers in the early season. Although I’m not much of a mountaineer I managed to hike up the glacier to the summit several years back. From the top, you get an incredible view of Mount Shuksan and its glaciers spilling into Nooksack Cirque. Truly awe-inspiring!

North Cascades National Park entrance signEntering the park #61415    Purchase

Down the Chilliwack Valley

On reaching Hannegan Pass I took a rest to have a snack and dry off my sweat-soaked shirt. I also chatted with a group of volunteers that were part of a trail maintenance crew. From here it’s all downhill into the wild Chilliwack River Valley, losing all that hard-won elevation. Shortly after leaving the pass I finally entered North Cascades National Park, as indicated by a weather beaten-wooden sign. The hike down into the valley is through a beautiful untouched fragrant forest of silver fir, mountain hemlock, and grand fir. The feeling here of true wilderness is very tangible, even the trail seems wilder. From the pass, I needed to travel another five miles to the U.S. Cabin camp, my first night’s destination.

Old growth forest North CascadesOld-growth forest Chilliwack River Valley, North Cascades National Park  #61421    Purchase

Ten miles is about my limit for hiking with a full multi-day pack, so I was glad to reach the camp and set up my tent. Amazingly there were very few bugs so far and I was able to relax and eat dinner along the river unmolested. I was even able to make a few photos of the impressive forest at this camp. That night I turned in early in anticipation of a grueling hike the next day. I had to hike another seven miles and over 3000′ up to my next and ultimate destination, Tapto Lakes above Whatcom Pass.

The next morning I again got up early to hit the trail. The first stop of the day was the unique crossing of the Chilliwack River via a hand-operated cable car. I don’t know how common these contraptions are but for most hikers, it’s a highlight of their trip. Later in the season crossing the river on foot wouldn’t be very hard, but why pass up such an interesting experience? Two hikers and their packs can fit in the car which is operated by pulling on a rope. It’s pretty easy getting across the first half since the cable sags down a bit.  After that, you begin to pull your weight up to the opposite side. By the time I got the car docked on the platform, my arms were pretty tired from pulling. Of course, I had to make sure I got a few photos before moving on.

Cable car North Cascades National ParkChilliwack River cable car, North Cascades National Park  #61427    Purchase

Climbing to Whatcom Pass Tapto Lakes

After the river crossing, it’s back to work again on the trail, which now goes through a very brushy section. Years ago, on my first visit, the chest-high brush was covered in morning dew. After half an hour of hiking, I was soaking from the waist down. A few miles later the climb to Whatcom Pass begins in earnest. The trail begins to rise from the valley bottom and gradually views open up to rugged Easy Ridge. After what seems like an eternity Whatcom Peak comes into view and the terrain begins to take on a subalpine look. I arrived at Whatcom Pass exhausted and again drenched in sweat from the climb.

Brush Creek Trail near Whatcom Pass North Cascades National ParkWhatcom Pass Trail, North Cascades National Park  #61764    Purchase

I still had another mile and 800 feet of elevation to travel to my camp at Tapto Lakes. At this point, I was wiped out and wasn’t sure if I could make it. The trail to the lakes is more like a climber’s route, with sections so steep you need to pull yourself up by roots and branches. While deciding if I had the energy I spoke with a few other backpackers doing the cross-park hike to Ross Lake. Like me, they spent the whole morning climbing up to Whatcom Pass. However, they only paused briefly to take in the views before heading down again into the adjacent valley.

Again I thought to myself, what’s the point in all the work if you hurry past the best parts? The previous day I met a woman doing the Pacific Northwest Trail. This 1200-mile-long trail starts at Glacier Park in Montana and ends at the Pacific Ocean. Like the Pacific Crest, Continental Divide, and Appalachian trails, you need to hike a set number of miles each day to complete it. During our brief conversation, I couldn’t help admiring her determination and stamina. At the same time, I also felt a bit sorry for her that she needed to hurry through such beauty to stay on schedule.

Mount Challenger North Cascades Whatcom Pass Tapto LakesChallenger Mountain and Whatcom Peak, North Cascades National Park  #61443    Purchase

At Tapto Lakes

By this time I felt physically and mentally rested enough to slog up to reach my camp at Tapto Lakes. Taking it very slowly, the climb proved easier than I anticipated. Soon enough the views exploded to include Mount Challenger and the imposing rock buttresses of Whatcom Peak. A short 200′ descent into the basin brought me to beautiful Tapto Lakes. The day was still young so I took my time and leisurely explored the area to find the best campsite. The only other people there was a small group staying at the pass below. They had day hiked up to the lakes to take in the views and a quick dip in the frigid lake waters. When they left I had the entire place all to myself!

Time to rest and take it all in, and do nothing but marvel at the rugged beauty that spread before my eyes. At last, I returned to the place that held my imagination spellbound for nearly 28 years.

Coming up in part two: Exploring and photographing at Tapto Lakes.    Click here to read part two

Tapto Lakes North Cascades National ParkTapto Lake, North Cascades National Park  #61455    Purchase

Read Part 2 here!

Leave No Trace

Please, Please, Please!  Don’t plan a trip to this or any other national park, monument, or wilderness area unless you are prepared to follow Leave No Trace guidelines (LNT). National parks and wilderness areas worldwide are under incredible pressure from the growing number of visitors. So, please do your part to help preserve these precious areas for future generations!

Please visit the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics to learn more about LNT’s principles. Your children and grandchildren will thank you!


1. Plan and Prepare
2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
3. Dispose of Waste Properly
4. Leave What You Find
5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
6. Respect Wildlife
7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors
© Leave No Trace:

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Visit the Nature First Website
Nature First the alliance for responsible nature photography



All photos appearing in Cirque of the Towers Wind River Range are available for Commercial Licensing and Fine Art Prints. Click on any image to purchase, or contact me for more info!

Whatcom Pass Tapto Lakes North Cascades National Park Part 1